Saturday, May 20, 2006

Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe...

Want to see May Bee, the new puppy?

I have until Monday to give my answer on whether we're keeping her or not...which is why the school secretary suggested the name "Maybe."

The more I think about it, though, the more I adore the name "May Bee," and here are a FEW of the reasons why:

*I loved the tv show Arrested Development (even though I only saw it a handful of times) and it had a 14 year-old character named Maeby Fünke who was very cool.

*She came to live with us in May.

*I just read a book about a beagle named Bea that I've been telling everyone to read. (It was a true story about a beagle, a runaway lab animal, who was rescued by the author, Kristin von Kreisler...who never dreamed that Bea would rescue her right back. See for more info and a cool audio link.)

*Plus, she's a girl...a little Queen Bee! (Oh, and Bethany has always laughed at how the Bee Girl from the Blind Melon video is my Mini-Me.)

* Because of Mayberry's "Aunt Bee" on the Andy Griffith Show. I even bought her cookbook back in the '90s!

*"Misha" and "May Bee" just sound cool together.

*Oh, and she's a Texan, so she NEEDS two names...Ruby Fay, Betty Sue, etc.!

Yeah...I think we're keeping her...maybe...

Update #1: Mike says I have to post that Misha will ALWAYS be Queen Bee around here! ;-)

Update #2: May Bee has had 4 accidents in the house...and only 3 of them were liquid, if you know what I mean. (One of them--the liquid kind, thank goodness--happened ON a houseguest last night! Marty was showing us online video of himself running with the bulls in Pamplona, but when the Windows Media Player came on, it was WAY too sounded like the bulls and people were barreling through our computer room! We ALL jumped and I scrambled for the speaker control...and May Bee piddled on Renee's white capri pants.)

Update #3: We have a huge half-acre lot; our backyard is flat and sun-baked and enormous...and yet, somehow, May Bee found the only mutilated bird wing contained in this giant space. She gnawed on it until I pried it from her clamped puppy teeth. Ick. Ick. They don't make an anti-bacterial soap strong enough to get the feeling of bird blood and gristle and puppy spit off your hands...

Update #4: Make it 5 accidents in the house. I just finished mopping the kitchen. Thankfully, Sunday Baroque was on so it was almost enjoyable. Oh, and May Bee tried to nurse this morning, but Misha was having NONE of that. ;-)


Sandra said...

Please tell me you kept her. She is SO cute.

Anonymous said...

I now have two dogs...small, white Maltese. They keep me company, but more importantly, they keep each other company. People in the family are less than excited about my "baggage," and I remember feeling the same way about Novie and her poodles...but knowing these two puppies has changed my outlook on life.

I love the name May Bee and all the reasons for it...I named mine Miss Hattie and Mr. Bailey. She's more of a Ms. Hattie these days, if you know what I mean. I keep hoping for a litter, but so far, it hasn't happened.

So...I say, keep May just seems to be in the cards.


Anonymous said...

Shame on Renee for laying the blame for her own accident on May Bee! "Maybe" the sound of the bulls of Pamplona running right through the room where she sat caused Renee to lose control; as Dana Carvey would say, "How con-veeen-ient!" Renee took the easy "out" that was sitting in her lap. Poor puppy!
