Monday, March 21, 2011

Mary Oliver! Mary Oliver! MARY-PULITZER-PRIZE-OLIVER!!!

Remember a little over a year ago, when I wrote that I was ROBBED because I didn't know about the poet Mary Oliver until I was 46 years old? An ENGLISH major, for cryin' out loud, who didn't know about Mary Oliver? (Note to self: Ask ACU for a partial refund.)

Well, anyway, the EXTREMELY PRIVATE Mary Oliver opens up to Maria Shriver in this month's O: The Oprah Magazine. (Side note: I have never seen Oprah's tv show. Never. Not even once. Rest assured...I am NOT from the Cult of O.) :-)

That's all. Less important things than the details of my life and stuff...can wait until later.

Poetry comes FIRST.

UPDATE: For a behind-the-scenes look at the Shriver/Oliver interview, visit:

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