Saturday, September 01, 2007

September's first schizophrenic post...

First, please pray for my dad...he's been in a Virginia hospital since Tuesday, and his leg is in terrible shape! Please pray that he will be able to keep his leg! Please also pray that Mom, who is in delicate health herself, can stay strong during this ordeal. (Our brother spent the day with them and called with an update on the way back to Charlotte tonight. It is VERY serious. There is no way Karen & I can get to Mom and Dad to help, and we feel SO helpless...but we can ask you to say a quick prayer for our dad...)

Second, please also pray for Mike, who lost a friend today to an accidental death. He is a husband and father...and a friend to Mike and Mick, who are both shaken at the loss of a friend in the prime of his life.

Third, and on a much lighter note--this morning, Karen and I took a break from the stress of our situations and took her kids (and my dogs) to Abilene's 4th annual Doggie Splash Day. It only cost $2 per dog, everyone had so much fun...and the dogs and I are in the Abilene Reporter-News! Dan and Kirsten and Jaeger were there, and she has threatened to put embarrassing video footage of me (holding my nose as I went off the diving board!) on her blog.

Please remember our dad! Thank you in advance for remembering him in prayer this week...


sftc824 said...

Will be praying for your parents. And must be hard to be so far away... Have a good day off and know you are being thought of and prayed for!

Melanie said...

I will be keeping your mom & dad in prayer! As well as you, Karen & Russ too... it isn't easy to be far away when our beloved parents are sick! (It isn't easy to be closeby and actually see them as weak either!) Your parents have been good & strong servants of the Most High for years... He will surely be at their side through all of this! He is in control!! :)
Blessings to you all...