Friday, April 10, 2009

It's Friday...but Sunday's comin'!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tom and I got up and out early this morning to shop at Sam's for the breakfast to follow Sunday's Easter Sunrise service; but before heading to C'ville, we stopped at the building to drape a black shroud on the cross erected last Saturday. I wonder how this day ever came to be known as "good" Friday! Thursday brought betrayal, Friday brought more betrayal, insult, spit, scourge, a kangaroo court, a thorny crown, and a brutal crucifixion. Saturday brought doubt, despair, and dispersion. But Sunday...Sunday brought an empty tomb, an appearance of the resurrected Savior, triumph over death, and proof positive that Jesus is Lord! So why don't we say "Good Sunday"?
"He is risen."
"He is risen indeed!"