This cat toy gets two thumbs up and a hearty recommendation from the most Non-Cat Person you know, so it must be good. If your cat is even remotely playful, invest in the Kitten Mitten. (Available online here--and be sure to read the consumer reviews!)
Finally, thanks to Kirsten for sending me to Meg Cabot's blog and to Meg, the author & minx who shared THIS CLASSIC VIDEO REMAKE with the world.
And if you liked that, you might enjoy Falisha & Bethany's favorite:
You haven't really lived until you've sung "Total Eclipse of the Heart" at the Alamo Drafthouse's Power Ballad Sing-Along with Bethany & Falisha, btw.
Hooray for a-ha & Bonnie Tyler! Hooray for beautiful daughters! Hooray for the weird and wonderful 'Eighties!
Hooray for a boss who can write :-)
I knew I'd seen that furry hand before...
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