Saturday, March 24, 2007

See how her garden grows...

Last week's bluebonnets...

...look better this morning!

Six days ago.

Hmm. The snow drops look worse.

Last Sunday's purple iris.

A little past their prime?

Last week's lone daffodil... no more.

The white iris...

...aren't looking too healthy.

Lilacs and dogs.

Lilacs one week later...not as pretty without dogs.

Back to weeding...ugh...


Kirsten said...

Maybe you need to water, not May Bee, but you :-)

Enjoy your weeding, I'll let Dan do that! Have to work on my 'wall flowers'.

Anonymous said...

Whew! When I first viewed the garden's growth and could only see last week's bluebonnets, it bore a strong resemblance to cannibis! After seeing all the pictures and the scripts, I am reminded of the Scripture, "All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord abides for ever." (I Pet. 1:24) Lady Bird would be very proud of you, Miss Fondle!

mad4books said...

HA! Cannabis?!? (You can tell where my mom works, can't you?)


Her biggest fan,

Karen said...

I LOVE your flowers! They're absolutely beautiful! In the fall, can I come get a bit of your lilac, spirea and pyracanthus? I'll trade you for some purple jew, some crape myrtle and some opium poppy seeds (to go with your cannabis).

You've worked hard, and your beds look beautiful!

mad4books said...

ALL the credit belongs to the Osburnes, the couple who placed a Camp Barkeley barracks on this half-acre lot in 1947 after winning it in an auction.

We are enjoying the fruit of their labor SIXTY years later...isn't that COOL? (History nerd alert!)

Bless you, Dorris and Claude! (We'll do better on the weeding after we retire...)

Melanie said...

Travis just peeked over my shoulder as I was looking at your flower pictures... He said, "Who's sending you flower pictures?" I laughed and said, "It's Kristy's garden, my friend in TX." He immediately replied... well, she needs to stop that! LOL :) He really enjoys flowers & gardening... the ONLY flowers we have here are the African violets he has in bloom in his room & the cut daffodils I bought at the store! :) Our lilacs are a good month away.... although I did see a TEENY TINY green blade of a lily trying to bravely peek out of the flower bed!! :) :)

The Dynamic Uno said...

Wow! Real bluebonnets! They were in hiding while I was there. I've only seen them in pictures--never in person.